

Ease Pain and Improve Sleep Starting Today

Lillian Beckett Lillian Beckett

Ease Pain and Improve Sleep Starting Today

Managing Sleep Disturbances from Pain

Sleep disturbance from chronic or even acute pain can occur in many ways. You may find it difficult to sleep, wake up frequently through the night, wake up too early in the morning, and/or feel tired after. Interestingly, while your pain can disrupt a restful night of sleep, lack of adequate sleep can worsen your pain symptoms.

6 Ways to Gain a Healthy Sleep Routine

1. Check Your Sleep Position

You want to keep your body in the most neutral position as possible. Sleeping on your stomach causes your neck to turn and can cause shoulder or upper back issues. If you experience lower back pain, lying on your side or on your back can be good. Make sure to bend your knees and put a pillow between them or that your hips are aligned and not twisting over your body. Learn more about sleep positions and pain relief.

2. Use a Good Pillow

Use a good pillow! Your pillow should support your head and keep your neck in a neutral position. Rule of thumb: Your neck should be aligned with your chest.

3. Prep for Comfortable Rest

Apply LUMINAS Relief patches on pain points pre-sleep to help reduce the swelling or inflammation that cause pain. Depending on the level of pain you experience, you can wear 2-3 on the affected area. Wear them through the night, then remove when you wake. Apply a fresh set when you wake to keep the pain at bay during the day too. Discover more about managing pain with LUMINAS.

4. Assess Your Mindset

Practice mindfulness and meditation. It is found that stress adds to pain perception and that practicing mind-calming exercises can help you manage the pain experience. These practices can also open up your breathing which can help eliminate part of the pain. Try practicing mindfulness or meditation on a daily basis. Learn about the benefits of mindfulness for pain management.

5. Stick to a Sleep Schedule

Unfortunately, when you are in pain, your instinct may be to sleep and nap a lot as an escape. But if you try to sleep too much, you are only setting yourself up for broken sleep or ineffective sleep. Go to sleep and wake up within an hour of the same time every single day, even on the weekends! And if you absolutely need naps, take one before 2 p.m. so you don’t get thrown off from your nightly routine.

6. Practice Sleep Hygiene

The same steps that help pain-free people sleep will help you too:

  • Avoid caffeine or alcohol late in the day.
  • Don’t eat large dinners.
  • Limit use of phone, TV, computer and other screens a few hours before bedtime. The blue light can interfere with sleep. Learn more about blue light and sleep.
  • Try gentle stretching instead, nothing strenuous before bed.
  • Get bright natural light exposure during the day. Sunlight helps reset your circadian rhythm which helps you sleep. Discover the benefits of natural light exposure.

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