

Truth vs. Myth: All About Inflammation

Tania Martinez Tania Martinez

Truth vs. Myth: All About Inflammation

Are you tired of feeling sluggish, in pain or constantly bloated? Do you want to feel your best every day? We're here to reveal the truth about habits that cause inflammation and help you live your healthiest life.

Through the latest scientific research, we'll debunk common myths about inflammation-causing foods and activities. We will also introduce tips on how to reduce inflammation and have you feel great every day.

Myth 1: All sugars cause inflammation.

Sugar comes in many forms and can be found in foods like dairy and fruits. Sugar, in the form of glucose, is a type of carbohydrate that is used by the body for energy. When we consume sugar, it is broken down into glucose which is then transported to cells throughout the body via the bloodstream. 

Glucose is then used as an energy source for various bodily functions such as muscle movement, brain function, and organ function. Carbohydrates, including sugar, can be good for you in moderation. They provide the body with energy and can be accompanied by fiber and important nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. 

However, consuming too much sugar can lead to health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. It's important to consume sugar in moderation and to choose natural sources of sugar such as fruits, vegetables, and organic dairy instead of processed and refined sugars commonly found in processed foods and drinks.

Myth 2: Eating red meat causes inflammation.

Red meat, such as beef, contains important nutrients that are beneficial to the body. It is a great source of protein, which is essential for building and repairing tissues in the body. 

Red meat is also high in vitamin B12, which is important for the function of the nervous system and the production of red blood cells. It contains zinc, which helps to support the immune system, and iron, which is important for the transport of oxygen in the blood. 

Even the fats within red meat can have a positive impact on hormone production and brain function. 

Processed meats, on the other hand, should be avoided due to their high levels of additives and other chemicals.

Myth 3: There’s not much I can do about my inflammation.

Did you know that inflammation in the body is not just caused by inherited gene mutations or aging, but also by controllable factors like lifestyle, habits, and environment? With changes to our diet, exercise, and social lives in recent decades, the incidence of "lifestyle-dependent inflammation" has been on the rise. 

The good news is that by making healthy adjustments to our daily routines, we can reduce the amount of systemic inflammation in our bodies within days. Better sleep, adequate hydration, and movement alone can have a massive impact on reducing inflammation.

Myth 4: Cracking knuckles causes inflammation.

When you crack your knuckles, you're actually bursting bubbles in the synovial fluid that lubricates your joints. This creates a satisfying "pop" sound and sensation. 

The bubbles burst when you stretch or bend your fingers, creating negative pressure. Don't worry, it's unlikely to raise your risk for arthritis!

Myth 5: Consuming dairy causes inflammation.

Unless you have an allergy to milk, milk is one of the most nutrient-dense and healthy beverages for your body. Milk contains many nutrients which help reduce inflammation by promoting optimal body function from B12 for healthy mind and immune function, calcium and phosphorous for strong bones and teeth, vitamin B2 to help your body convert food to energy, potassium for healthy blood pressure, iodine for healthy thyroid, metabolism and skin maintenance!

Myth 6: All pain relief products reduce inflammation.

Many topical creams and ointments trick your nerves to create a feeling of less intense pain, but they don’t actually reduce or target inflammation. 

On the other hand, introducing LUMINAS Relief Electroceutical patches into your daily routine actually reduces inflammation. These innovative patches use electrons sourced from anti-inflammatory ingredients to help reduce inflammation and pain for up to 24 hours. 

All you have to do is apply patches to the affected area and feel the pain dissipate.

Now that you know the truth about these common myths don’t let inflammation hold you back any longer. By incorporating these scientifically-backed tips with LUMINAS Relief Electroceutical Patches into your daily routine, you can reduce inflammation and get back to feeling your best!

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