

Five Unconventional Ways to Treat Chronic Pain

Lillian Beckett Lillian Beckett

Five Unconventional Ways to Treat Chronic Pain

Non-Traditional Methods for Managing Chronic Pain

1 in 5 Americans, or about 51 million people, suffer from chronic pain daily.

Of these 51 million people, 6.9% of U.S. adults have high-impact chronic pain. For people suffering from chronic pain or arthritic symptoms, there is a constant need for relief in order to do even the most basic tasks like getting out of bed, brushing your teeth, or tying your shoes.

Each day’s battle can become pain management. Most have tried over-the-counter medications, physical therapy, meditation, and the like, to help overcome the nagging symptoms of living in chronic pain, with no results.

For those who have tried everything, we have curated a list of 5 non-traditional methods you may not have tried to integrate into your pain management routine.

1. Cold Water Immersion

Cold water immersion therapy has benefits such as improving your circulation, deepening your sleep, elevating your mood, boosting your energy, and reducing pain and inflammation. It helps relieve pain by constricting your blood vessels, causing inflammation in the muscles to be reduced, which in turn leads to the pain being more bearable. Learn more about natural remedies.

2. Acupuncture

Studies have shown that acupuncture can help treat pain caused by osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and injuries. There is evidence that suggests that acupuncture affects the nervous system and can affect the body’s tissue, which is why it can help to reduce pain. Discover more about the benefits of acupuncture.

3. Naturally Raise Your Endorphins

Your body produces endorphins to help alleviate pain, reduce stress, and improve your mood. Endorphins reduce your perception of pain by blocking the nerve cells that receive pain signals. By raising your endorphin levels, you can help your body combat the pain. Natural, healthy ways to boost endorphins include exercising, breath work, laughter, acupuncture, and massages. Explore more ways to boost endorphins.

4. Infrared Therapy

Infrared light treatment uses light waves within the wavelength of 800nm to 1200nm. The area of pain is then exposed to this light for an extended period of time. A study conducted found that people who were treated with infrared light treatment once a week for seven weeks were able to reduce the effects of pain from an average of 6.9/10 to a 3/10 with no side effects. Learn more about innovative pain relief methods.

5. Wear LUMINAS Pain Relief Patches

LUMINAS Pain Relief Patches utilize Electroceutical Charging Technology to work naturally with your body to reduce pain and inflammation. They have been clinically proven to work and have the ability to reduce pain from a 7/10 to a 4/10 on the VAS pain scale. Learn more about the benefits of LUMINAS Relief.

Living Life in Chronic Pain is No Joke

Take your life back with LUMINAS Relief.

LUMINAS Pain Relief Patches utilize Electroceutical Charging Technology to work naturally with your body to reduce pain and inflammation. The patches are made with capacitive substrates that hold small electric charges. These charges carry information or “signals” that the body can receive. We take these signals from organic ingredients known to reduce inflammation in the body. The body produces a positive electric current (roughly 200-400 microvolts of electricity); it is this positive charge that induces the flow of electrons from the patch into the body.

No Chemicals. No Side Effects. Safe for All Ages.

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