

Relief for Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Lillian Beckett Lillian Beckett

Relief for Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Pregnancy can be one the most rewarding yet most challenging journeys. As you progress in your pregnancy, your body changes. These changes can lead to negative side effects such as aches and pains. We have broken down the most common areas for aches and pains during pregnancies and have provided tips as to how to ease the discomfort.

As you continue in your pregnancy, your weight begins to shift forward due to the growing fetus. This shift in weight causes strain on your back, as you try to lean backwards in order to maintain balance. This additional pressure on your back results in stiffness, soreness, and pain.

Maintaining good posture, as well as lifting with your knees instead of bending, can prevent back pain from occurring. Investing in low-heeled shoes with good arch support, as well as investing in a firm mattress to support your back, are also preventative measures to take. Learn more about managing back pain.

Headaches can be caused by rising levels of pregnancy hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone. Medication is generally not recommended to take during pregnancy. Natural remedies can include using a cool compress, relaxation techniques, and ensuring you are getting enough rest each night. Discover more natural remedies for headaches.

The round ligaments that hold your uterus in place during pregnancy will stretch, causing sharp short bursts of pain within your lower abdominals. The best method to avoid these types of pain is to avoid sudden movements. Try rising slowly from sitting and laying positions. Getting into a swimming pool can help to lift weight off the uterus, providing relief. Learn more about managing pregnancy-related pains.

As your body retains more fluid in the later months of pregnancy, swelling becomes common in the feet and ankles. As your uterus puts pressure on your veins, fluid begins to leave the blood and enter surrounding tissues. Symptoms should subside after birth. Wear loose clothing, and keep your legs elevated to increase your comfort during this time. Wear compression stockings and sleep on your left side to take pressure off the large vein that is responsible for returning blood to the heart. Discover more tips for managing swelling.

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Procter and Gamble. (2019, September 15). Pregnancy pains and aches. Pampers. Retrieved June 1, 2022, from