

You've Got Questions? We've Got Answers

Victoria Burden Victoria Burden

You've Got Questions? We've Got Answers

Your Questions Answered!

We understand that when it comes to your pain relief, you have questions, and we're here to provide answers. Our LUMINAS experts have compiled responses to some of your most-asked queries about our Relief Patches.

How Do They Work?

LUMINAS Relief patches are a blend of science and holistic wellness. They are charged with the electron signatures of ingredients known for their pain and inflammation reduction capacities. Each patch is made with a thin layer of Mylar, capable of holding this energetic charge. When you place a patch on your skin, your body's energetic field activates the flow of electrons from the patch, a phenomenon known as the Galvanic Skin Response. This innovative technology brings relief right where you need it. Learn more about the science behind LUMINAS.

How Long Do The Patches Last?

LUMINAS Relief Patches begin working as soon as they are placed on the skin. The timing of the perceived effects can vary from person to person. Once applied to the skin, the patches are effective for up to 24 hours. The tan Relief patches are also water-resistant, so they continue to work their magic even during baths, showers, swims, or sweaty activities!

Can I Wear More Than One Patch at a Time?

Absolutely! Wearing multiple patches is not only safe but also recommended for more significant relief. We suggest that you start with 2 or more patches on or adjacent to the area of pain or discomfort. Depending on your pain and discomfort level, you can adjust the number of patches as you feel needed. For tips on effective patch placement, check out our guide on strategic patch placement.

Why Shouldn't I Cut The Patches?

Cutting the patches disrupts their efficacy. The charge integral to their pain-relief capabilities is lost once they are cut. If you're looking for a specific size, LUMINAS offers various options to meet your needs. Explore our range of patch sizes to find the perfect fit.

Are They Safe For Children Or Pregnant Women?

Yes, LUMINAS patches are safe for all ages and for pregnant women. The patches contain no active ingredients, they're 100% natural, and do not contain any harmful chemicals. The Relief patches work great for bumps, bruises, achy backs, and sciatica discomfort.

For anyone seeking a safe, natural way to manage pain, LUMINAS Relief Patches offer an innovative solution. They are simple to use, effective, and designed to provide relief that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle. Explore our range and experience the difference LUMINAS can make in your life.

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