

Patch Placement For Better Pain Relief

Lillian Beckett Lillian Beckett

Patch Placement For Better Pain Relief

When it comes to using LUMINAS Relief patches for pain management, there's a common misconception that they need to be placed exactly on the pain point. However, the reality of how these patches work reveals a more flexible approach to their placement for effective pain relief.

Understanding the Root Cause of Pain and Inflammation

Beyond the Pain Point

Often, the root cause of pain or discomfort isn't located precisely where the pain is felt. Inflammation, one of the primary causes of pain, can originate from an area different from where it's most acute. Recognizing this can guide more effective patch placement.

Electroceutical Effects

LUMINAS Relief patches function as electroceuticals, meaning their effects radiate beyond the immediate area where they are applied. This property allows the patches to influence a broader region, enhancing their pain-relieving capabilities.

Strategic Patch Placement for Enhanced Relief

Given these insights, you have the flexibility to place patches adjacent to, or around, the area of discomfort. For instance, applying patches around achy joints can effectively target the inflammation, even if not placed directly on the joint. This approach ensures that the patches work optimally, providing relief exactly where your body needs it.

  • Place 1-2 patches of your choice on or adjacent to the area of pain or discomfort

Clinically-Proven Results

The efficacy of LUMINAS Relief patches is backed by thermography studies. These studies demonstrate how the patches significantly reduce inflammation and pain. For example, in one study, pain levels dropped from a 7 to a 4 in just 45 minutes. This is a testament to the patches' ability to induce the flow of electrons in the body, thereby reducing inflammation and pain across a larger area. Read more about our clinically-proven results.

Maximize Your Pain Relief Experience

Understanding the nuances of patch placement can drastically improve your experience with LUMINAS Relief patches. It's not just about covering the pain point; it's about addressing the broader area affected by inflammation and discomfort. By strategically placing 1-2 patches on or adjacent to the area of concern, you can maximize the patches' pain-relief potential and enhance your overall wellness.

Experience clinically-proven relief and regain control over your pain management with LUMINAS Relief Patches. Discover the difference a well-placed patch can make in your life.

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